Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Complete Lesson.
Business and the international economy Globalisation and MNCs* ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Describe the concept and importance of globalization and the reasons for it
• Opportunities and threats of globalisation for businesses • Why governments might introduce import tariffs and import quotas. Reasons for the importance and growth of multinational companies (MNCs): - • Benefits to a business of becoming a multinational and the impact on its stakeholders • Potential benefits to a country and/or economy hosting a MNC, e.g. jobs, exports, increased choice, investment • Potential drawbacks to a country and/or economy hosting a MNC, e.g. reduced sales of local businesses, repatriation of profits. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
Topic: “Business Studies Examination”
Short Response Questions 0450/1 and Case Study Questions 0450/2 and Answers ‘MS Word’ Opt. A.
This document is prepared for year 11 final or Mock exams. It can be moderated for your school examinations to suit your purpose for the two IGCSE Papers.
Complete Lesson.
*Topic:*Product - marketing mix ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Define Product. • Identify and explain the costs and benefits of developing new products • Define Brand image – Identify and explain the impact on sales and customer loyalty • Identify and explain the role of packaging • Describe the product life cycle: identify and explain the main stages and extension strategies; draw and interpret a product life cycle diagram • Demonstrate how stages of the product life cycle can influence marketing decisions, e.g. promotion and pricing decisions.
‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
Complete Lesson.
*Topic:*Price - marketing mix ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Define Product. • Identify and explain the costs and benefits of developing new products • Define Brand image – Identify and explain the impact on sales and customer loyalty • Identify and explain the role of packaging • Describe the product life cycle: identify and explain the main stages and extension strategies; draw and interpret a product life cycle diagram • Demonstrate how stages of the product life cycle can influence marketing decisions, e.g. promotion and pricing decisions.
‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
A complete lesson in keeping with the current IGCSE syllabus. It covers fully the ** Leadership Styles and Trade Unions IGCSE Business Studies.**. You will be able to engage your students, relax and simply guide them as they work and learn.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, all students will be able to:
Define and describe the features of the main leadership
styles, e.g. autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire.
Recommend and justify an appropriate leadership style in
given circumstances. - Describe what a trade union is and the effects of employees being union members.
• ‘Class Activities/ Worksheets and Answers’
Complete Lesson.
Topic: Organisational Structure, Role of Management and Delegation ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Draw, interpret and understand simple organisational charts. Hierarchical structures: span of control, levels of hierarchy, chain of command.
Identify and describe the role of management - the roles and responsibilities of directors, managers, supervisors, other
employees in an organization. Functions of management, e.g. planning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling.
Importance of delegation; trust versus control.
**A complete lesson. ** Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees, ‘ppt’ ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus.
I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided.
Lesson Objectives;
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Demonstrate awareness of the Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees:• Identify legal controls over employment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage.
Do the ‘Test Yourself Questions‘ and the ‘Business Case Study Question’ at the end of the slide. ‘Answer provided’.
Analysis of Accounts, Profitability Measures, & Acid Test Ratios. * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studiess. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Profitability: • The concept and importance of profitability. Liquidity:
• The concept and importance of liquidity.
How to interpret the financial performance of a business by calculating and analyzing profitability ratios and liquidity ratios: • Gross profit margin • Profit margin • Return on Capital Employed • Current ratio
• Acid test ratio
Why and how accounts are used: • Needs of different users of accounts and ratio analysis • How users of accounts and ratio results might use information to help make decisions, e.g. whether to lend to or invest in the business. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
Complete Lesson.
**Topic: ** Marketing Strategy Legal Control & Marketing Budget ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Class Activities with Answers .
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Explain the meaning of Marketing strategy.
Justify marketing strategies appropriate to a given situation.
• Importance of different elements of the marketing mix in influencing consumer decisions in given circumstances.
• Recommend and justify an appropriate marketing strategy in given circumstances.
Identify and explain the nature and impact of legal controls related to marketing. • Impact of legal controls on marketing strategy, e.g. misleading promotion, faulty and dangerous goods. • The Marketing budget. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
This Revision Notes on Unit 5 Financial information and decisions will help your students to practice, study and revise as they work towards getting ready for the school and for the IGCSE Business Studies examinations on the current. Teachers can use it to engage Students’ for meaningful learning. And to guide students as they study this topic. It covers all aspects of this topic in the syllabus with class activities, questions and answers to practice the principles revised. It will instill a good knowledge and understanding of this topic.
**A complete lesson. Recruitment Selection and Training of Workers, ‘ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. .I have consistently produced As, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Class Activities, with Answers
Lesson Objectives;
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Lesson ObjectivesAt the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:
Explain Recruitment and selecting employees: • Recruitment and selection methods • Difference between internal recruitment and external recruitment • Main stages in recruitment and selection of employees • Recommend and justify who to employ in given circumstances • Benefits and limitations of part-time employees and full-time employee. The importance of training and the methods of training: • Importance of training to a business and to employees • Benefits and limitations of induction training, on-the-job training and off-the-job training.‘Class Activity and Answers’
Complete Lesson.
Environmental concerns and ethical issues ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies. With these resources, I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘Questions with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Identify and explain how business activity can impact on the environment, e.g. global warming • The concept of externalities: possible external costs and external benefits of business decisions• Sustainable development; how business activity can contribute to this • How and why business might respond to environmental pressures and opportunities, e.g. pressure groups • The role of legal controls over business activity affecting the environment, e.g. pollution controls • Ethical issues a business might face: conflicts between profits and ethics • How business might react and respond to ethical issues, e.g. child labour. Class Activity with Answers.
Complete Lesson.
**Topic: ** Economic issues; Business cycle, Government control, Effects and Business response. ‘ppt’, ** IGCSE Bus Studies & Economics syllabus. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be;
Identify and explain the Business cycle: • Main stages of the business cycle, e.g. growth, boom, recession, slump.• Impact on businesses of changes in employment levels, inflation and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)How government control over the economy affects business activity and how businesses may respond. • Identify government economic objectives, e.g. increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) • Impact of changes in taxes and government spending. • Impact of changes in interest rates • How businesses might respond to these changes‘Class Activtiy with Answers’
Complete Lesson.
Topic: The Purpose, Nature of Business Activity, Specialisation & Added value, Factors of Production, Business Stakeholders. IGCSE, ‘ppt’ ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. * I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date note. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Identify and explain the purpose and nature of business activity
Identify and explain the purpose and nature of business activity: • Concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost • Importance of specialisation • Business Objectives • The concept of adding value and how added value can be increased. Factors of Production, Business Stakeholders and conflicts in their interest. ‘Class Activities, Work Sheet, & Answers.’
Complete Lesson.
Growth of Business Methods and Problems of Growth Economics of Scale * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies & Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. 'Class Activities, with Answers.
* Lesson Objective
At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to:
Why some businesses grow, and others remain small: • Why the owners of a business may want to expand the business • Different ways in which businesses can grow, e.g. internal/external • Problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcome • Why some businesses remain small. Why some (new or established) businesses fail: • Causes of business failure, e.g. lack of management skills, changes in the business environment, liquidity problems • Why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing. Economies of Scale.
Do the Class Activities. Answers provided.
Business activity and the environment, e.g. global warming • Concept of externalities: - costs and external benefits; Sustainable development; How and why business might respond; Legal controls e.g. pollution controls; Ethical issues e.g. child labour. **Class Activities with Answers ** - IGCSE Business Studies.
description & Content:
Define the budget. Identify and explain reasons for government spending. reasons for taxation
Classification of taxes. Principles of taxation. Pmpact of taxation- definition of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy measures and effects of fiscal policy on government macroeconomic aims.
Main features of Franchising and Joint Ventures with example
Key words in Franchising. Advantages and disadvantages of Franchising to both the Franchisor and the Franchisee and the advantages and disadvantages of Joint Ventures
Describe how to start a franchise business.
Class Activities with Answers. Plus Franchising and Joint Ventures Lesson Plan.
Bundle: description & Content:
Role of multinational companies (MNCs) and the costs and benefits. The benefits of free trade for consumers, producers and the economy in a variety of countries.
Methods of protection. Reasons for protection - Consequences of protection and its impact on the home country and its trading partners.
Cash -flow forecasting …Ppt + Lesson Plan Bundle
Explain Cash-flow forecasting and working capital. Identify and explain the importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting: • Why cash is important to a business. • What a cash-flow forecast is, how a simple one is constructed and the importance of it. • Amend or complete a simple cash-flow forecast. • How to interpret a simple cash-flow forecast. • How a short-term cash-flow problem might be overcome, e.g. increasing loans, delaying payments, asking debtors to pay more quickly. Working capital: • The concept and importance of working capital.
Class Activity with Solutions.
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